
Year Age Tm Lg Lev Aff G W L W-L%
200741BillingsPIONRkCIN1 of 2753738.493
201347Johnson CityAPPYRkSTL1 of 1673631.537
201448PeoriaMIDWASTL1 of 11397267.518
201549PeoriaMIDWASTL1 of 11387563.543
201650PeoriaMIDWASTL1 of 11407366.525
201751State CollegeNYPLA-STL1 of 1754035.533
201852State CollegeNYPLA-STL1 of 1763640.474
201953SpringfieldTLAASTL1 of 11406080.429
202155BillingsPIONInd1 of 1964452.458
9 Seasons946473472.501
A (3 seasons)417220196.529
Rk (2 seasons)1427369.514
A- (2 seasons)1517675.503
Ind (1 season)964452.458
AA (1 season)1406080.429

Chadwick ID: 8e643a8f

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