For 2009, most players in a game with multiple hits

generated by a site user

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User's Notes:
Rk Tm Opp Date #Matching
1 LAA LAD 2009-05-24 12
2 MIN LAA 2009-08-01 12
3 LAA BAL 2009-08-16 12
4 BOS BAL 2009-06-30 12
5 LAD WSN 2009-05-07 12
6 COL HOU 2009-05-13 12
7 OAK MIN 2009-07-20 12
8 BOS BAL 2009-08-02 12
9 TOR MIN 2009-04-13 12
Provided by View Play Index Tool Used
Generated 11/10/2009.

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