Last 12 seasons with CS > SB, Minimum 10 SB

generated by a site user

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User's Notes:
Rk Player Year SB CS Age Tm
1 Jamey Carroll 2006 10 12 32 COL
2 Brady Clark 2005 10 13 32 MIL
3 Corey Koskie 2002 10 11 29 MIN
4 Cristian Guzman 2002 12 13 24 MIN
5 Jason Kendall 2001 13 14 27 PIT
6 Peter Bergeron 2000 11 13 22 MON
7 Mike Caruso 1999 12 14 22 CHW
8 Felix Jose 1994 10 12 29 KCR
9 Greg Gagne 1994 10 17 32 KCR
10 Omar Vizquel 1993 12 14 26 SEA
11 Craig Biggio 1993 15 17 27 HOU
12 Greg Gagne 1993 10 12 31 KCR
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Generated 11/10/2009.

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