Many detailed statistics are based on play-by-play accounts accumulated by Retrosheet. These totals may be incomplete (3.6% of all plays from 1912 to 1968 are missing or have incomplete accounts, click link for year and team summary of data completeness) for some players prior to 1969 and even complete seasons may not match the official totals due to errors in both the official totals and the play-by-play accounts.

Summary of 66 Home Runs

0 leading off, 1 walk-off, 6 tying, 24 go ahead

3 Tms
SFG 62
vs RHP 39
vs LHP 27
Away 34
Home 32
2 23
0 22
1 21
11 Opps
13 Parks
3Com Park (SFO) 31
Atl-Fulton (ATL) 7
Dodger Stad (LOS) 5
Wrigley Fld (CHI) 4
Astrodome (HOU) 3
Where Hit
7 44
8 9
78 5
9 3
General field locations
when available.
Game Totals
1·HR gms 66
Gms w/ this # = 0
are not shown.
--- 28
1-- 21
12- 10
123 3
-23 2
1 4
2 9
3 5
4 9
5 7
+4.. 3
+3 7
+2 5
+1 6
Tied 18
Before event,
for batter
C 60
PH 4
1B 2
6th 32
5th 12
7th 10
4th 5
8th 4
High Lev 19
Medium Lev 25
Low Lev 22

Play By Play

Play By Play
1967 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
11111967-06-01SFGPITPete Mikkelsenahead 4-1b 82-233720.020100%Home Run (Deep LF); J. Hart Scores; W. McCovey Scores
22211967-06-30 (1)SFG@PHIChris Shortbehind 0-2t 3212-3620.32959%Home Run (Deep LF); W. Mays Scores; J. Hiatt Scores
33311967-07-23 (2)SFG@CHCBill Handsbehind 2-6t 91---18PH0.0071%Home Run (Deep CF)
44411967-08-08SFG@PHIDick Ellsworthahead 1-0t 4012-3620.17190%Home Run (Deep LF); J. Hart Scores; J. Hiatt Scores
1968 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
55111968-05-28SFG@STLBob Gibsonbehind 0-1t 60---1720.19650%Home Run (Deep LF)
66211968-07-04SFGATLGeorge Stonetied 4-4b 71-2-2620.28390%Home Run (LF-CF); J. Hart Scores
77311968-07-11SFG@CINJim Maloneyahead 3-0t 40---1620.05891%Home Run (Deep LF)
88411968-07-30SFG@CHCBill Handsbehind 3-10t 80---11PH0.0031%Home Run (Deep LF)
99511968-08-01SFG@LADDon Drysdaleahead 1-0t 61---1520.13482%Home Run (LF-CF)
1010611968-08-16SFG@PHIJerry Johnsonbehind 1-3t 50---1620.12433%Home Run (Deep LF)
1969 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
1111111969-04-07SFG@ATLPat Jarvistied 0-0t 21---1620.11559%Home Run (Deep LF)
1212211969-06-15 (2)SFGMONLarry Jastertied 0-0b 21---1620.11964%Home Run (Deep LF)
1313311969-06-22 (2)SFG@ATLPat Jarvisbehind 1-3t 701--2720.27250%Home Run (Deep LF); B. Etheridge Scores
1414411969-06-23SFG@HOUDon Wilsontied 0-0t 221--2720.21469%Home Run (Deep LF); J. Hart Scores
1515511969-07-09SFGHOUMarty Martínezahead 9-3b 82---1920.001100%Home Run (Deep LF)
1616611969-07-26SFG@STLSteve Carltonbehind 2-4t 401--2520.20150%Home Run (Deep LF); W. McCovey Scores
1717711969-08-01SFG@PITJim Bunningtied 1-1t 701--2520.27584%Home Run (Deep LF); W. McCovey Scores
1818811969-08-15SFGCHCKen Holtzmantied 0-0b 621--2620.30584%Home Run (Deep LF); K. Henderson Scores
1919911969-08-27SFGPHIRick Wiseahead 4-3b 41---1720.11279%Home Run (Deep LF)
20201011969-09-09SFG@CINJim Merrittbehind 0-1t 51---1620.14847%Home Run (Deep LF)
21211111969-09-14SFGCINJim Merritttied 0-0b 211--2620.19575%Home Run (Deep LF); W. McCovey Scores
1970 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
2222111970-04-08SFGHOUDenny Lemasterbehind 0-1b 621--2620.36171%Home Run (LF-CF); W. McCovey Scores
2323211970-04-09SFGHOUJim Raybehind 0-3b 511--2620.18838%Home Run (Deep CF); W. McCovey Scores
2424311970-04-14SFG@ATLJim Nashbehind 2-8t 3212-3720.11217%Home Run (Deep CF); K. Henderson Scores; A. Gallagher Scores
2525411970-04-15SFG@HOUJack DiLauroahead 5-3t 72---1620.08789%Home Run (Deep LF)
2626511970-04-24SFGMONHowie Reedahead 5-2b 7212-3620.05199%Home Run (Deep LF); W. Mays Scores; K. Henderson Scores
2727611970-04-26 (1)SFGMONCarroll Semberaahead 7-1b 821234620.002100%Home Run (Deep LF); R. Hunt Scores; W. McCovey Scores; K. Henderson Scores
2828711970-05-02SFGPHIGrant Jacksonahead 4-1b 82-233620.024100%Home Run (LF-CF); W. McCovey Scores; K. Henderson Scores
2929811970-05-11SFG@SDPPat Dobsonbehind 0-1t 401--2620.21263%Home Run (Deep LF); K. Henderson Scores
3030911970-05-22SFGSDPMike Corkinsbehind 2-3b 511--2520.27469%Home Run (Deep LF); W. McCovey Scores
31311011970-05-28SFGLADJim Brewertied 3-3b 90---1520.363100%Walk-OffHome Run (LF-CF)
32321111970-06-07SFG@CHCKen Holtzmanahead 1-0t 40---1620.10372%Home Run (Deep CF)
33331211970-06-14SFGSTLChuck Taylortied 0-0b 201--2620.16375%Home Run (Deep RF); K. Henderson Scores
34341311970-06-16SFGCHCBill Handstied 0-0b 2012-3620.18083%Home Run (Deep LF); W. McCovey Scores; K. Henderson Scores/unER
35351411970-06-22SFG@CINTony Cloningerahead 11-6t 82---1620.01199%Home Run (Deep RF)
36361511970-06-27SFGATLGeorge Stonetied 0-0b 2012-3620.18083%Home Run (Deep LF); W. McCovey Scores/unER; K. Henderson Scores
37371611970-07-04SFGLADAlan Fosterbehind 1-3b 61---1620.13335%Home Run (Deep LF)
38381711970-07-06SFG@ATLGeorge Stonetied 0-0t 121--2420.17965%Home Run (Deep LF); R. Hunt Scores
39391811970-07-07SFG@ATLHoyt Wilhelmtied 5-5t 711-33520.26688%Home Run (Deep LF); T. Fuentes Scores; W. McCovey Scores
40401911970-07-20SFGNYMRich Folkersbehind 0-2b 41---1420.11839%Home Run (Deep CF)
41412011970-08-04SFG@LADDon Suttonahead 2-0t 1212-3720.18688%Home Run (Deep CF); K. Henderson Scores; J. Hart Scores
42422111970-08-26SFGSTLNelson Brilesbehind 3-6b 61---1620.08922%Home Run (Deep LF)
43432211970-09-23SFG@LADJim Brewerbehind 5-8t 721234620.52466%Home Run (Deep CF); W. Mays Scores; F. Johnson Scores; K. Henderson Scores
1971 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
4444111971-04-07SFG@SDPClay Kirbyahead 1-0t 401--2620.16785%Home Run (Deep LF); K. Henderson Scores
4545211971-04-10SFG@STLJerry Reussahead 2-0t 401--2620.12089%Home Run (Deep LF); K. Henderson Scores
4646311971-04-16SFGCHCFergie Jenkinsahead 2-0b 3112-3420.13694%Home Run (Deep CF); C. Speier Scores; W. Mays Scores
4747411971-05-11SFGCINJim Merrittahead 3-0b 12---1620.06287%Home Run (Deep LF)
4848511971-05-19SFG@CHCFergie Jenkinsbehind 2-5t 321--2620.16534%Home Run (Deep LF); K. Henderson Scores
4949611971-05-26SFG@LADClaude Osteentied 0-0t 121--2420.21169%Home Run (Deep LF); W. Mays Scores
5050711971-05-27SFG@LADDon Suttonbehind 0-5t 71---1520.0163%Home Run (Deep LF)
5151811971-06-12SFG@NYMRon Taylorahead 3-1t 821--2520.09597%Home Run; K. Henderson Scores
5252911971-07-18 (1)SFG@ATLBob Priddytied 4-4t 122---1420.41982%Home Run (Deep LF)
53531011971-07-27SFGATLPat Jarvisbehind 0-3b 50---1520.09626%Home Run (Deep CF)
54541111971-08-02SFGLADClaude Osteenbehind 0-1b 70---1520.24958%Home Run (Deep LF)
55551211971-08-13SFGNYMRay Sadeckiahead 3-0b 321--2620.09294%Home Run (Deep LF); B. Bonds Scores
56561311971-08-14SFGNYMTug McGrawbehind 4-5b 90---19PH0.44762%Home Run
57571411971-08-18SFGPHIRick Wisetied 0-0b 201--2520.17977%Home Run (Deep LF); W. McCovey Scores/unER
58581511971-09-03SFGHOUBuddy Harrisahead 9-6b 8112-3620.017100%Home Run (Deep LF); W. Mays Scores; W. McCovey Scores
59591611971-09-15SFGCINJim McGlothlinbehind 1-4b 71---1820.07415%Home Run (Deep LF)
60601711971-09-16SFGCINRoss Grimsleybehind 0-2b 51---1520.13136%Home Run (Deep RF)
61611811971-09-17SFGSDPSteve Arlinbehind 3-5b 6112-38PH0.44374%Home Run (Deep LF); A. Gallagher Scores; C. Speier Scores
62621911971-09-26SFG@CINWayne Grangerahead 3-2t 511234620.19195%Home Run (Deep LF); T. Fuentes Scores; W. Mays Scores; B. Bonds Scores
1972 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
6363111972-07-10 (1)LAD@PHIKen Reynoldsbehind 1-3t 70---1720.12529%Home Run
1973 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
6464111973-07-06ATL@NYMJerry Koosmantied 0-0t 721--2730.35481%Home Run; D. Baker Scores
6565211973-08-02ATLCINDon Gullettbehind 0-16b 80---1730.0000%Home Run (Deep LF)
6666311973-09-23ATL@HOUDon Wilsontied 0-0t 221--2820.21168%Home Run; F. Tepedino Scores

About the SABR Home Run Encyclopedia