Search Results

Players who appeared or managed in the major leagues.

given: Justin James, nickname: Brennan, J Willy
Current Team/Franchise: Cincinnati Reds
given: Brian Patrick, nickname: The Beard
Franchises: SFG,LAD
given: Bradley Wilson
Franchises: SFG,DET
given: Bryse Everett
Current Team/Franchise: Milwaukee Brewers

Players who appeared or managed in Minor or Indy League Baseball, and not the major leagues.

given: Wilson Bregy
Franchises: HOU
given: Bradley Jay
Franchises: DET
given: Brad
Franchises: TOR
given: Bradley David
Franchises: ARI
given: Brady
given: Brandon Michael
Franchises: NYM
given: Brandon Lee
Franchises: SDP
given: Brandon Lee
Franchises: CHW,CIN,CHC
given: Brendan A.
Franchises: ANA
given: Brennan
given: Brian Matthew
Franchises: ANA
given: Leslie Brian
Franchises: CIN
given: Brooks Harrison
Franchises: ATL
given: Bruce J.
Franchises: NYM
given: Bryan Ray
Franchises: CHC
given: Ethan Brent
Franchises: PHI
given: Richard Wilson
Franchises: STL
given: Roy Wilson
Franchises: STL,SFG
given: Britton Ezell
given: Wilson Charles
Franchises: TOR
given: Will Bradley
Franchises: SFG,ANA
given: Wilson

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