Search Results

Players who appeared or managed in the major leagues.

given: Paul Leslie
Franchises: PIT,CHC
given: Patrick Keith
Franchises: NYY
given: Paul Stoner
Franchises: CIN
given: Richard Paul
Franchises: SFG
given: Lawrence Patrick
Franchises: BOS
given: Christopher Patrick, nickname: Smitty
Franchises: TOR
given: Pavin Joe
Current Team/Franchise: Arizona Diamondbacks

Players who appeared or managed in Minor or Indy League Baseball, and not the major leagues.

given: Clinton Paul
Franchises: DET
given: Cyrus Paul
Franchises: BAL
given: Kenneth Patrick
Franchises: NYY
given: Kevin Patrick
Franchises: NYM,BAL
given: Patrick Stanford
Franchises: DET
given: Patrick Joseph
Franchises: KCR
given: Patrick Ryan
Franchises: ARI
given: Patrick
given: Patrick L.
Franchises: MIN
given: Paul Smith
Franchises: CHC
given: Paul Eugene
Franchises: CHC
given: Paul R.
Franchises: BOS,CLE
given: Paul Henry
given: Paul F.
Franchises: BOS
given: Paul J.
given: Paul Joseph
given: Paul
Franchises: ATL
given: Paul Joseph
Franchises: DET,CLE,CHW
given: Paul H.
Franchises: ATL
given: Paul Rutledge
Franchises: SEA
given: Paul A.
given: Paul Edward
Franchises: STL
given: Payton
Franchises: SDP
given: Robert Paul
given: Robert Park
Franchises: ATL
given: Ryan Patrick
Franchises: TEX
given: Stanley Pachal

Other Players and Scouts


Current minor-league, collegiate, amateur, and foreign league teams.

Gulf Coast Athletic Conference
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