League Awards

League Awards
Award Player Stats
Most Valuable Player AwardCarl YastrzemskiBOS 161 G .326/.418/.622
Cy Young AwardJim LonborgBOS 22-9, 3.16, 246 SO
Rookie of the Year AwardRod CarewMIN 137 G .292/.341/.409
Triple CrownCarl YastrzemskiBOS 161 G .326/.418/.622
Batting Champion
  (highest BA as recognized at time)
Carl YastrzemskiBOS 161 G .326/.418/.622
ERA Pitching Champion
  (lowest ERA as recognized at time)
Joe HorlenCHW 19-7, 2.06, 103 SO
TSN Pitcher of the YearJim LonborgBOS 22-9, 3.16, 246 SO

Gold Glove Winners

League All-Stars

American League Other Leaders