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Bloops: John Thorn Named MLB’s Official Historian

Posted by Neil Paine on March 1, 2011

Congratulations are in order for John Thorn today, after he was named the Official Historian of Major League Baseball by Commissioner Selig:

John Thorn Named Official Baseball Historian | Official Info

John has always been a wonderful friend and supporter of, and we can't imagine anyone more qualified for this position.

3 Responses to “Bloops: John Thorn Named MLB’s Official Historian”

  1. Radar Says:

    This clearly took less time than it's taking to complete the analysis of the A's proposed move. How about some movement there? Bud, get with it!

  2. Detroit Michael Says:

    Does this mean that MLB is changing its directive from "don't ever change historical records" to "give us the most accurate records, even if it changes what was once believed to be true"? I remember occasional controversies about Hack Wilson's 190 or 191 RBIs or who had the highest batting average in a particular year where MLB was initially very critical of any change back when John Thorn was co-editing Total Baseball.

  3. Larry R. Says:

    It took 3 years to name Jerome Holtzman's successor?