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Tax day

Posted by Andy on April 15, 2011

If you live in the U.S., remember that today your Taxis due.

31 Responses to “Tax day”

  1. josh blue Says:

    not to be a nitpick, but because today is Emancipation Day in DC, Tax Day was moved to the 18th this year. And for those in Maine and Massachusetts, Tax Day is the 19th because of Patriot's Day

    /sorry for ruining the joke

  2. Dave Says:

    Yep, get to hold onto to my $7700 a few more days!

  3. Evan Says:

    Are most (all?) players wearing 42 tonight? I haven't seen much mention of that this year.

  4. Anthony Says:

    Evan: Yes.

    And, also yes - taxes are due on Monday not today. "Taxis" (to quote the post) are due when you flag them down.
    I'm not even sure what "today your taxis due" is supposed to mean.

  5. thomas Says:

    Seriously? It's obviously the name closest to taxes in the history of baseball. The link takes you to his player page...

  6. Kelly Says:

    @5 I don't think so. I think it was the closest to "tax is" in the history of baseball. If you read Andy's pun as "tax is due" instead of "taxes due", there is a verb and it makes sense as a sentence.

    Hey Andy, I laughed 🙂

  7. Spartan Bill Says:

    Why pick out a player and not a team?

    Ever hear of the Taxes Rangers?

  8. Johnny Twisto Says:

    Are most (all?) players wearing 42 tonight?

    Yes. Next season they will take the field in blackface.

  9. Andy Says:

    LOL JT

  10. Kelly Says:

    @7 In honor of your joke, some Marx Brothers:

    Prosecutor: Something must be done! War would mean a prohibitive increase in our taxes.
    Chico: Hey, I got an uncle lives in Taxes.
    Prosecutor: No, I'm talking about taxes - money, dollars!
    Chico: Dollars! There's-a where my uncle lives! Dollars, Taxes!

  11. Evan Says:


    He did pick out a team for tax day. See Related posts: Bloops: What it's like to be a Pirates fan

  12. Spartan Bill Says:

    @8 Johnny------I don't get it Johnny, why would players take the field in blackface to honor a civil rights pioneer who underwent indignities day after day after day to integrate baseball.

    Please explain the humor to me.

    @9------Andy, you found it funny, perhaps you can chime in.

    @10-----Kelly, Now that was funny, and not at all racist, thanks for the laugh.

  13. Andy Says:

    My take on JT's joke was a reference to how often things like this are taken to an extreme, and the example he gave was obviously hyperbolic. If you think he's being racist then I think you are entirely missing his point (and haven't read many of his past comments on this blog).

  14. DavidRF Says:

    Yeah. Everyone dressing up as Jackie tonight to honor him. Take that to the extreme and you're doing the opposite of honoring him. Hence the humor in a Stephen Colbert type of satire. (of course, explaining it ruins it)

  15. Cyril Morong Says:

    Rufus T. Firefly: Gentlemen, Chicolini here may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot, but don't let that fool you: he really is an idiot. I implore you, send him back to his father and brothers, who are waiting for him with open arms in the penitentiary. I suggest that we give him ten years in Leavenworth, or eleven years in Twelveworth.

    Chicolini: I'll tell you what I'll do: I'll take five and ten in Woolworth.

  16. Cyril Morong Says:

    Sorry, I was only trying to make the names bold face. I guess the Marx brothers deserve alot of black ink.

  17. John Autin Says:

    Yeah, a lot of us know Johnny Twisto's wit from these threads and are able to recognize the tone of his quip. But it's awfully easy for random readers to hear it in a way that he surely did not intend. (As for me, I simply don't get JT's joke.)

    In any case, I like seeing everyone wear #42 for one day.

  18. Cyril Morong Says:

    I think I need to have before the name after the name. Then only the name would be bold and the rest would be normal.

    Also, when I am at BR, every three seconds the page tries to reload or refresh so it keeps bouncing up and down. Anyone else having this problem?

    This happens to me both at home and at the office. It does not happen at any other websites.

  19. Evil Squirrel Says:

    Ha! I enjoy my humor on the edgy side and got a good laugh from it. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised to see Larry "Bud" Selig actually run with it. He is all about finding the most absurd ways to draw attention to how much baseball suddenly cares about Robinson's legacy. Jackie deserves better than to have his number plastered on everyone's back for one night in a big game of "Who's On First?"....

  20. fhomess Says:

    @19 - I see a lot of the "Jackie deserves better" types of comments in relation to this day. The question I have is, what then? He's in the HoF and had his number retired by every team. If you are going to continue to pay tribute to him on an annual basis, what other method of honoring him would be appropriate without gradually becoming worse over time than this method. If you think we've done enough, then we're no longer honoring him with anything but a memory. I'm not entirely opposed to that, but it does seem like most people feel he's worthy of annual rememberance.

  21. Thomas Court Says:

    Homer Simpson: "Taxes? I paid my taxes over a year ago."

    Lisa: "Dad, you have to pay them every year."

    Homer: "I do, I pay the 'Homer' tax."

    Lisa: "That's the 'Home Owner's tax."

    Homer: (annoyed grunt) "Do'h!"

    "Just got mine done a few days ago." -Thomas Court (from Taxachusetts)

  22. Neil L. Says:

    Recognition becomes observance and observance becomes ritual. Rituals lose their meaning over time.

    Point being, how do you keep Jackie's contributions and memory fresh without indulging in ritual and overkill? Does it have to be wearing the number every year or risk being branded unappreciative of Jackie Robinson?

  23. Djibouti Says:

    @21: you've combined two hilarious exchanges into one. The first two quotes are from a different episode from the next two. The second dialogue is as follows:
    Homer: Woo-hoo! A perfect day. Zero bears and one big fat hairy paycheck. Hey! How come my pay is so low? ... Bear patrol tax! This is an outrage! It's the biggest tax increase in history!
    Lisa: Actually, Dad, it's the smallest tax increase in history.
    Homer: Let the bears pay the bear tax. I pay the Homer tax.
    Lisa: That's home-owner tax.
    Homer: Well, anyway, I'm still outraged. back to your regularly schedule baseball talk

  24. Cliff Blau Says:

    Great to see Frank Taxis used for this gag. Following the link won't tell you (yet) that he also played in the Atlantic League in 1909; I happen to be researching that league.

  25. Thomas Court Says:


    I knew that silly rabbit. I amalgamated the two exchanges by extricating only the portions of the conversations that focused on taxes. (flavin!)

    but thanks for stepping on my

  26. Stu Baron Says:

    I happen to work at H&R Block, and it sure felt like deadline day during my 14 hours in the office today!

  27. Nash Bruce Says: least he didn't live in "El Peso(s)" *rimshot*

  28. Cyril Morong Says:

    Seems like alot of baseball players are Douglass Adams fans

  29. T Says:

    Hate to gloat (no I don't!), but because I'm overseas, I get an extra 6 months to file. I do have to file for the extension, but the extra breathing room is welcome.

  30. DoubleDiamond Says:

    @18 - I am also getting the constant refresh here. It has only been happening for the past week or so. I'm about at the point where I want to fill out a B-R site comment form.

  31. Cyril Morong Says:

    I did fill out a form and they are aware of it