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Hurricane Irene

Posted by Andy on August 27, 2011

I hope everyone on the North American east coast stays safe in the wake of Hurricane Irene.

30 Responses to “Hurricane Irene”

  1. John Autin Says:

  2. Johnny Twisto Says:

    Good luck JA, Duke, Andy, and all the others* residing within the cone of uncertainty.

    *Other whats? We need a snappy name for the members of our blog community. B-Reffers? Breffers? Brefs?

  3. Richard Chester Says:


    And don't forget Clint Hartung, the Hondo Hurricane.

  4. Andy Says:

    Hartung is linked in my original post (or rather shows up in the linked search.)

  5. Richard Chester Says:


    Sorry Andy, I never looked at that link.

  6. Richard Chester Says:

    Andy, one of the guys in your search link, Bob (Hurricane) Hazle, lived up to his name briefly by destroying NL pitching at the end of the 1957 season. He joined the Braves at the end of July as a replacement for the injured Bill Bruton. He participated in 41 games batting .403 with 7HR and 27 RBI and helped the Braves win the pennant. After his first 22 games he was still hitting .506. One of his hits broke up a Johnny Klippstein no-hitter with 2 out in the 9th inning.

    The next season he came down to earth. By the middle of May he was hitting .179. When Bruton finally returned from his injury Hazle was sold to the Tigers. 1958 was his last year in the majors.

  7. Andy R Says:

    The end of the 1938 NL schedule was also affected by a hurricane, causing four or five days of postponements on the east coast. Ah, memories of those youthful days of old, living in libraries, researching stuff that's now obtainable with a few keystrokes...

  8. Francisco Marte Says:

  9. birtelcom Says:

    @6: Hurricane Hazle was nicknamed after the devastating 1954 storm Hurricane Hazel which ran a path similar to what Irene seems to be running -- smacking into the Carolinas and working its way up to New York City (where its impact led to several deaths) and north.

  10. Paul Drye Says:

    @10: Hazel is also the worst Hurricane to ever hit central Canada. We don't get hurricanes here, but it was still a Class I storm when it hit us. 81 dead, and the Holland Marsh area (which is a huge farming region north of Toronto) was turned into a lake. The highway I often to drive to work was ten feet under water in places and there's little natural drainage out of its basin so it took a month to pump the water.

    Wikipedia has a picture of the golf course near where I used to live (and a hoity-toity club it is -- membership costs in the low six figures) completely under water:

  11. Charles Saeger Says:

    Good night, Irene. Come on, Irene, or Eileen.

  12. Chuck Says:

    My prayers are with everyone living in or near the path of Irene.

    I was born and raised in southwestern Connecticut and remember vividly Hurricane Doria in 1971 and Gloria in 1985.

    My parents still live in the house I grew up in, and one of my best friends lives in Pt. Pleasant, New Jersey..right on the path.

    No two storms are the same, saying you have experience means nothing.

    Godspeed to those in the way.

  13. Dr. Doom Says:

    ***OFF TOPIC***

    Corey Hart today wound up with a 2B, 3B, and HR - a single shy of the cycle. I remember a blog post cycles missed by various kinds of hits. What I'm wondering, though, is how many times a player did what Hart did today. That being, he walked, and thus wound up standing on first anyway. So I wonder how many players have missed the single, but wound up with a BB or HBP in the game.

  14. birtelcom Says:

    #13: The BB/2B/3B/HR near-cycle seems to happen about once a season on average -- 91 times since 1919 according to the PI. This season Shane Victorino did it in June, and Jose Bautista in April did it with two walks in addition to the 2B/3B/HR. In 1927, Jim Bottomley had three walks in a game to go with a 2B/3B/HR. Had never been done by a Brewer before; however Brady Clark had an HBP/2B/3B/HR game for the Brewers in 2003 (one of only seven times that combo shows up in the PI -- the first time by Reggie Jackson in 1969).

  15. Hartvig Says:

    This may be stupid but is Irene Cabral female? I'm aware of female minor league umpires and female fast pitch softball players pitching to major leaguers but I also have a hazy recollection of a female minor league player as well. Is my memory playing tricks on me?

    And how sick is it that Jake Weimer's 2.39 ERA in 1908 was only good for an ERA+ of 97.

    Best of luck to everyone in Irene's path.

  16. Frank Clingenpeel Says:

    I seem to recall reading once where Elbie Fletcher once played several innings for the Bees in a hurricane -- and didn't even know it!

    Braves Field -- in Boston, for the chronologically challenged {a.k.a. young squirts} -- was known for such oddities, which is why I have always doubted whether or not that condition helped Ruth to achieve his famous three-homer swan song back in '35.

    In a more serious tone, I will encourage everyone to pray for the folks on the East Coast, as I assure you I will.

  17. Frank Clingenpeel Says:

    P.S. -- Reading all of these memories of hurricanes make me glad I settled here in Ohio, where it's too boring for hurricanes.

  18. John Autin Says:

    JT, good luck to you, too.

    To your question, I'll throw one out there in jest:

    The Blorg
    "Prepare to be statsimilated."

  19. John Autin Says:

    Wind is picking up here in Westchester.

    Let's hope it doesn't get too ugly.

  20. Kahuna Tuna Says:

    John, don't get all statsy on us and do something foolish like try to measure wind velocity — I don't care how good your scientific equipment is.

    Prayers from this calm place. Catch you on the other end of the tunnel. (Sorry, no Lee Tunnell link.)

  21. Jimbo Says:

    So is Jim Thome the oldest player ever to homer on this birthday?

  22. John Autin Says:

    @20, KT -- Oh, excellent!

    But I'm off to my Hidden Rigor Now.

  23. John Autin Says:

    @21, Jimbo -- You should post that on the recap thread:

  24. John Autin Says:

    @21, Jimbo -- The answer is (for the searchable era, anyway) -- Yes, in a tie with Darrell Evans, who also homered on his 41st B.D.

  25. Bob Sohm Says:

    Re post 16
    The Babe's 3 hr swan song took place at Forbes field and one of the HRs cleared the right field roof the first one to do so..

  26. Dr. Doom Says:


    Thanks, Birtelcom!

  27. daniel tremblay Says:

    now is montreal heavy rain

    il pleu en criss

  28. Johnny Twisto Says:

    So did any of our Brefren take a hit from Irene?

  29. Andy Says:

    Brefren - well done, JT.

  30. Mike L Says:

    @28-JT, it was pretty wild. The primary damage is from the immense amount of rain. Downed trees and power lines, floods. The best line of the weekend comes from a friend who was up at his weekend house in Vermont (no power, closed roads) "Scotch is a real comfort food".