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Name Chain #2

Posted by Andy on August 8, 2007

Let's take another short break from the serious stats. See Name Chain #1 for explanation. Although I am calling this #2, some users posted some nice chains in the comments for Name Chain #1.

The Only Nolan Ryan Howard Johnson Fry

The Only Nolan Ryan Howard Johnson Fry
The Only Nolan Ryan Howard Johnson Fry
The Only Nolan Ryan Howard Johnson Fry
The Only Nolan Ryan Howard Johnson Fry
The Only Nolan Ryan Howard Johnson Fry

Nolan Ryan pitched just 5382.1 more innings than Johnson Fry.

And sure, I could have gone with Gary Nolan or Joe Nolan at the start, but you've heard of those guys.

8 Responses to “Name Chain #2”

  1. Davie Says:

    So do you think one can be done for every team?

  2. blackwell Says:

    I had to plagiarize a bit on this one but still could not beat nine:

    Joe Nolan
    Nolan Ryan
    Ryan Howard
    Howard Earl
    Earl Henry
    Henry Jackson
    Jackson Todd
    Todd Walker
    Walker Cooper

  3. Andy Says:

    I have one that's 10. Waiting for a slow news day to rip it out.

  4. Andy Says:

    Davie, it depends on how many names long it needs to be. If just 2 names, I am guessing yes. If 3 or more, I am guessing no.

  5. kjbopp Says:

    Paying homage to the real HR king: (using Hank's given name "Henry")

    Tommy John Andre David Lee Thomas Howard Earl Scott Earl Henry Aaron (12)

    How many times did Tommy John face Henry Aaron and how did he fare?

    (first time poster)

  6. kjbopp Says:


    Tommy John Andre David Lee Thomas Howard Earl Scott Earl Henry Aaron Boone Logan Easley (15)


    Tommy John Andre David Lee Thomas Howard Earl Scott Earl Henry Aaron Ward Miller Huggins (15)

  7. Andy Says:

    Yep, that was basically the one I had in store too. Good job.

  8. MITchip Says:

    I was able to pull 15 without changing display names.

    Mike Chris George Scott Terry Lee Thomas Gorman Thomas Howard Earl Henry Jackson Todd Walker Cooper