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Site Update — Nov. 9

Posted by Sean Forman on November 9, 2009

Finally got around to fixing some things on the site. Should be live within the hour.

*The Park Factors now have the 2009 numbers incorporated into them.
*The similarity scores have been re-run for the end of the season
*2009 Transactions and Salaries are updated
*Various bug fixes
*Re-ran all of the pages (excluding old previews and box scores) on the site, so the nav bar is now consistent
*High School played for is now on the site.

Play Index should have an update later this week.

6 Responses to “Site Update — Nov. 9”

  1. Eric Enders Says:

    Good stuff. The high school info will be useful.

    I did notice that, for whatever freaky reason, Matt Kemp's 2009 stats are now missing from his page.

  2. JohnnyTwisto Says:

    Do you have any idea when the 2009 TotalZone numbers will be run?

  3. cubbies Says:

    all 2009 batting stats are missing, not just kemp. what caused this really annoying bug? when will they be back?

  4. Andy Says:

    I noticed that putting "2009 Rays" into the search box gives erroneous results.

  5. Sean Forman Says:

    Sorry, I had an issue with the appearances table not updating. It is updated now and the 2009 batting will appear momentarily.

  6. dave Says:

    I hope the PI update is like Christmas where folks get heaps of fun new toys to play with.