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For those celebrating today…

Posted by Andy on December 25, 2007

...I guess you'll finally find out if you've been naughty or nice.

(Apologies to Alan Knicely, who didn't quite make the cut.)

I hope everyone has a great holiday season.

4 Responses to “For those celebrating today…”

  1. David in Toledo Says:

    What about [[Steve Christmas]]?

  2. statboy Says:

    "I hope everyone has a great holiday season."

    I think you mean "I hope everyone has a great Holliday season". 🙂

  3. jackfish Says:

    Merry Christmas & thank you to everyone involved in making this site so enjoyable.


  4. Andy Says:

    Sean stole "Happy Hollidays"...go to any player page and it's right there at the top.