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Bloops: Denis Leary, Mel Gibson, and Kevin Youkilis

Posted by Andy on July 13, 2010

With Mel Gibson in the news again, a friend pointed out the following video. I'll let it speak for itself. Here is the 2006 game during which it was recorded.

Denis Leary and Lenny Clarke Blast Mel Gibson! | Viral/Other |

11 Responses to “Bloops: Denis Leary, Mel Gibson, and Kevin Youkilis”

  1. Bryan Mueller Says:

    I think I was laughing as hard as the play-by-play guys...priceless!

  2. BSK Says:

    Classic. I somehow missed that when it happened, but love it all the same.

  3. John Q Says:

    This is just dumb, Youkilis is Greek.

  4. Jacques Strappe Says:

    Youkilis is both Greek and Jewish, John Q.

  5. through-the-years Says:

    Youk is not Greek but has a Greek name. Interesting story why:

  6. Spartan Bill Says:

    Let's string this together to see the significance of all this:

    a---5 years ago some idiot producer at NESN decided to let Dennis Leary in the booth during his 15 minutes of fame.
    b---Leary, who tries to portray himself as one of the biggest Red Sox fans ever, is dumbfounded to learn that one of the star players is Jewish
    c---While in the booth going orgasmic that Youkilis is a Jew Leary makes comments about how different ethnic groups like to get drumk and mentions Mel Gibson who likes to get drunk and make his own stupid comments.
    d---4 years later tape comes to light showing Mel Gibson is even a bigger than jerk than most people thought.
    e---It's a slow day for baseball stats because of the All-Star break,
    f---Andy loses most of the credibility he established in the past few years with this crap that isn't even worthy of TMZ's dumpster.

    Please Andy, both Leary and Gibson have had more than their shares of fame, and neither is relevant here. And in neither of them have anything to do with baseball. I hope this is a one time glitch and not a trend where this blog will be heading.

    If you want to write about Gibson we have Josh, Kirk, Russ and a 2 different Bob's. We even had a Leary and Gibson who were teammates on the 88 Dodgers. Let's talk about them instead.

    Thanks for allowing me a space to rant.

  7. Andy Says:

    Bill, I think you're making some significant assumptions about my opinion on this video. Your rant was fine until you went against me personally. If you think I've lost credibility, please stop reading all my future posts. thanks.

  8. Berbalerbs Says:


    a - Dennis Leary has been enjoying his "15 minutes of fame" for the better part of 3 decades.
    b - granted.
    c - my guess is that this happened in proximity to Mel's arrest and drunken anti-Semitic ranting, so it was topical and in my opinion hilarious for them to bring up Mel Gibson while going crazy for Youk.
    d - Mel Gibson has been saying things that make him a "bigger jerk than most people thought" pretty much nonstop since his drunken anti-Semitic rant
    e -, if only there was some amusing video we could post as a fun little filler...hmm...
    f - now you just sound butthurt.

    Dude, it's the All-Star break...what do you want them to do, list everyone's OPS for the Home Run Derby? This is a baseball blog, so let's not get too crazy about the "significance" or "relevance" of this post (and if you didn't notice, it was a clip FROM A GAME OF PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL, so, you know, kinda relevant). If you clicked on "Bloops: Dennis Leary, Mel Gibson and Kevin Youkilis" hoping for a discussion on the merits of wOBA in determining a leadoff hitter, you have no one to blame but yourself.

  9. XZPUMAZX Says:

    LOL, thank you for brightening a dreary work/sports day.

  10. Johnny Twisto Says:

    I hate the Red Sox, and I REALLY hate Youkilis, but I don't know how someone could dis this video. They find out Youkilis is Jewish, and he promptly makes a great play, and then another one, and they stick it in Mel Gibson's face. That's hilarious.

  11. Justin Bailey Says:

    OK, I officially forgive Leary for the "No Cure for Cancer" album.

    Wait, no I don't.