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Whiffing Marlins

Posted by Raphy on August 5, 2008

Whiz posted this on the suggestions page and it seemed worthy of its own thread (I took the liberty to add links to the searches):

I was doing some searches on longest team batting streaks and found that Florida currently has has at least 8 SO in each of the last 13 games, the longest such streak in the PI database (i.e., since 1956).

They also currently have streaks of 15 games with 7 or more SO (longest is 17 by the 1996 Tigers) and 4 games with 10 or more SO (longest is 6 by the 1972 and 2004 Reds and 1997 Giants). It’s not surprising since the Marlins strike out 8.7 times per game, by far the most in the majors, and they are on pace to beat the Brewers total of 1399 in a season.

The streak for 6 or more SO is safe for now — the longest is by the Rays last year, an amazing 47 games (2nd longest is only 28, “achieved” by Florida earlier this year).

Another oddity: the weekend series between Florida and Colorado is (as far as I can tell) the only three-game series since 1956 in which both teams had at least 10 SO each in all three games.

Comment by whiz — August 5, 2008 @ 4:39 pm

One Response to “Whiffing Marlins”

  1. whiz Says:

    Well, the Marlins struck out only 6 times last night, so all this came to an end. I must have "jinxed" them by bringing it up...