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The Cubs Suck In Extra Innings (and other bits)

Posted by Chris J. on July 9, 2007

PI has a new feature that makes it 10 times cooler than before (in my opinion anyway).  Go to league splits, say 2007 MLB offensive splits.  (The link is at the main 2007 NL & 2007 AL pages). 

When you get to the MLB splits page, you'll note all the split options are now in red text.  Folks, lemme tell ya, red text = cool stuff around here. 

 Click on the red text, and you can how all teams in the league (all MLB in this case) performed under this split.  They're ordered by sOPS+ or ERA.  COOOOOL

Full results are only available to PI subscribers though.  And there's no save & share for me to make it easy to link to. 

However, if you have PI, you can see that the team with the best sOPS+ in all baseball in extra innings so far is the St. Louis Cardinals.  The Devil Rays of all teams are best in the AL. 

The worst team - by far - is the Cubs, with an sOPS+ of 24.  Next worse are the Pads at 46.  The worst AL teams, hilariously, are the Yanks and Red Sox. 

Along similar lines, you can see that the Cards are getting better offensive production from their #9 slot than: the Tigers, Rangers, Angels, Twins, or Orioles. 

 The Nationals have the worst OBP from the leadoff position.

 The Yanks and Phillies have the most dangerous infield offense. 

The White Sox have the AL's weakest hitting outfield & the game's weakest hitting infield. 

Philly has the best hitting 7-9.

I could go on forever.  And that's just the 2007 offensive splits.  The site now offers you all this for hitters and pitchers for every year since 1957. 

2 Responses to “The Cubs Suck In Extra Innings (and other bits)”

  1. djhosu Says:

    I love this site.

  2. Sean Forman Says:

    Chris, I went ahead and added the share and save feature to this, so you can now create these lists. Keep in mind you can also sort the list by clicking on the headers.