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Post-Season Visitors Batting Around In The 8th

Posted by Steve Lombardi on October 16, 2010

In Game 1 of the 2010 ALCS, the Yankees batted around in the top of the 8th inning. Filtering the data in this Play Index query suggests that was only the 3rd time in post-season history that a visiting team sent 9+ batters to the plate in the 8th inning of a game. Here are the other times in addition to last night:


Cr# Gm# 6 Date Series Gm# Batter Tm Opp Pitcher Score   Inn RoB Out Pit(cnt) RBI Play Description
168 9 1910-10-23 WS 5 Jack Lapp PHA @CHC Mordecai Brown ahead 1-7 Out t8 1-- 2   0 Groundout: P-1B
479 9 1923-10-15 WS 6 Wally Pipp NYY @NYG Rosy Ryan ahead 4-6 Out t8 --3 2   0 Groundout: 2B-1B
Provided by View Original Table
Generated 10/16/2010.


There you have it. In addition to Game 1 of the 2010 ALCS, we have Game 6 of the 1923 World Series and Game 5 of the 1910 World Series. File this under: You don't see that every day!

Update: Game 6 of the 2003 NLCS should be on this list too.

17 Responses to “Post-Season Visitors Batting Around In The 8th”

  1. Brad Says:

    Circle me, Grady Little!

  2. Steve H Says:

    Bartman game.

  3. Steve H Says:

    Wasn't the Grady Little game in New York?

  4. Dave Says:

    Hey guys does anybody know the last team to "bat around" in the bottom of the 9th or bottom of extra innings in order to win the game?
    Did anybody do it since the 7/2001 Pirates?

  5. DoubleDiamond Says:

    @4 Not in the majors, but I recall a team in the minor leagues, probably in the Rookie-level Appalachian League, doing this on August 21, 2000. The reason I remember this date (but not the team, because I didn't have a chance to find the reference I kept of it) is because it was a 9th inning comeback on the 10th anniversary of the 9th inning comeback of the Phillies against the Dodgers in L.A. But one difference I remembered about the minor league game was that it was the home team that did it in the bottom of the 9th.

  6. Steve Lombardi Says:

    @Brad - regarding Grady Little, the Yankees were not the visitors in that game:

  7. Steve Lombardi Says:

    @Steve H

    Good one. I think think the reason why that one didn't come up in the query was because I was looking for 9+ PA in the 8th inning and there were a lot of BBs in that one:

  8. Steve H Says:

    Well, I still have nightmares about it.

  9. Steve Lombardi Says:

    Steve H - I hear ya. Those types of things can stay with you. Personally, I'm still haunted from 1995, 2001 and 2004. So, guess what team I root for? 😉

  10. YankeeDoodle Says:

    The Yankees!!!!

  11. Doug Says:

    1999 World Series, Game 1. Yankees batted around, 10 men sent to the plate vs. Greg Maddux & John Rocker.

  12. steven Says:

    Almost the 100th anniversary of another of the Cubs' historic October meltdowns.

  13. Don Says:

    Steve, there’s more games than just those. I think you looked at only the first 500 plate appearances.

    I’m still largely a novice to the play index, so when I see a search I’m not familiar with, I try to duplicate it. After a while, I got to the same point,

    All of MLB: 5425 Plate Appearances in Postseason, Away Games and during 8th Inning

    and when I looked at the inning batters summary I saw this:

    12•PA gms 1
    11•PA gms 2
    10•PA gms 5
    9•PA gms 9

    However, those aren’t categories you can use to limit the search. I found the other games by looking at the subsequent screens 501-1000, 1001-1500, etc., but wouldn’t know how to make them into a single shared list, or if you can even do that. I’m fuzzy on the share business as well.

    Anyway, here are all but the first 2 you listed – and it wasn’t easy – sometimes when I clicked for the next list, the program forgot what I was asking, and sent me back to ALL post-season plate appearances:

    9 pa
    9 pa
    10 pa
    9 pa
    9 pa
    9 pa
    10 pa
    9 pa
    9 pa
    10 pa
    10 pa
    12 pa
    11 pa
    11 pa
    10 pa

  14. Tony Says:

    @12 -

    Also the 100th anniversary of Philly's first World Series title, an anniversary which will be universally ignored. When the A's left, it almost instantly became like they were never here. I'm a die-hard Phils fan, but I think it's weird that when they won in 1980, it was treated like there was never a world champion in Philly before, when the A's had won five and played in nine.

  15. Steve Lombardi Says:

    Just wanted to say thanks to all for finding the issues with my search on this one. I'll need to revisit this one - obviously. 😉 Thanks again.

  16. Steve H Says:

    Instead of looking for number of plate appearances, is it possible to search for R + LOB >= 6?

  17. Nick C. Says:

    How about batting around in 9th inning postseason game (Game 3 2010 ALCS)?