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Trivia time

Posted by Andy on November 19, 2008

Tough question here.

Following is a complete list of pitchers whom have what in common?

Bill Krueger
Gerald Alexander
Allan Anderson
Kevin Appier
John Barfield
Tom Candiotti
Mike Moore
Jim Abbott
Scott Bailes
Scott Lewis
Dennis Eckersley
Gene Harris
Bob McClure
Kenny Rogers

If nobody can get it, I'll give a clue.

8 Responses to “Trivia time”

  1. ImAShark Says:

    They all have played baseball.

  2. Andy Says:

    I said complete list.

    Hint #1:

    Look at which years these guys played in.

  3. statboy Says:

    I'll take a wild guess. They all pitched to both Griffeys and both Ripken brothers?

  4. Andy Says:

    No, but you're on the right track. Whom these guys all faced has something to do with it.

  5. ericstephen Says:

    The years they all have in common are 1990 and 1991, and they were all in the AL. I first thought they all gave up HR to Cecil Fielder, but that's not it. I'm still plugging away!

  6. TheGoof Says:

    They are all the pitchers faced by Don Wakamatsu in his major league career.

  7. JAndyV Says:

    Did they each give up home runs to Barry Bonds as both a Pirate and Giant?

  8. Andy Says:

    TheGoof is right...they are all the guys to have faced Don Wakamatsu, the new Mariners manager.