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BREAKING NEWS: Manny Ramirez suspended 50 games

Posted by Andy on May 7, 2009

According to this LA Times article, Manny Ramirez has been suspended 50 games, effective immediately, for testing positive for one or more banned substances.

Thanks to Scott of the 83 Fleer Project for pointing it out to me.

7 Responses to “BREAKING NEWS: Manny Ramirez suspended 50 games”

  1. tomepp Says:

    So Manny was Oritz's "'roids" (i.e. bolstered Oritz's stats), but Manny himself had to resort to the real - or rather, synthetic - thing to bolster his own stats. Think David knew Manny was juiced when he made his "suspend them for a year" comments?

  2. ollie1000 Says:

    Too bad. I didn't think Manny used. Who else in the recent 500 club hasn't been outed? Thome? Thomas? Griffey? Maybe the Hall needs to add a Riods Wing and we need to think of their stats being minus 20%?

  3. fabio Says:

    Unfortunately this whole era is tainted. The dark cloud is so big it's casting it's shadow over everyone. Even the squeaky clean guys will be under suspicion. At least MLB is putting it's foot down. It's gotta be done or the game will turn into a joke.

  4. damthesehigheels Says:

    Saying that it's not already a joke is turning a blind eye. Please tell me baseball hasn't been a joke since Brady Anderson hit 50 in one season. Honestly. I love the game to death... but call a spade a spade.

  5. tomepp Says:

    Yeah, the 'Roids Wing of the Hall of Fame is scheduled to be opened right after the Spitball Wing (hello, Gaylord Perry), the Corked Bat Wing (Sammy Sosa to cut the ribbon one day, perhaps?), the Filed Ball Wing, and the Greenies Wing, among others. The fact is that there have always been, and will continue to be, players who try to get ahead by cheating in any way available. And there will always be some players whose personal code of integrity will not allow them to cheat, even with no chance of getting caught. The most baseball - or any sport - can do is to be vigilant in making and enforcing the rules, and as much as possible punish those caught cheating.

    It is shameful that Baseball turned a blind eye to this issue until the media spotlight forced them to take action, but the real shame is that Baseball has been singled out by the media when the steroids problem is rampant across all professional sports. Where are the Congressional hearings, and special investigations, of the NFL (who, by the way, has more serious social problems than steroid abuse), the NBA, or MISL?

    Baseball has started in the right direction, and it will take awhile - and I suspect a few more "A-list" players being suspended - before the message gets through that the steroids free-ride is over. But once steroids are perceived as not being an option by the cheaters, they'll turn their attention to the next "can't get caught" method of performance enhancement; blood-doping? robotic arm inplants? DNA grafting? (What ever happened to Ted Williams' body, anyway...)

  6. Andy Says:

    I couldn't agree more, Tomepp.

  7. ollie1000 Says:

    I think the greenies wing covers everyone? Someone needs to leak the list and get all 104 names out there and then A-Rod and Manny might appear your average players though with better numbers...