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Trivia Challenge: What links these 10 pitchers?

Posted by John Autin on June 14, 2011

[NOTE: The question has been answered correctly.
Next time, I'll try to put a little more "challenge" in the Trivia Challenge!]

What do these 10 pitchers have in common? It is a complete list, sorted alphabetically, of pitchers who have done something on a big-league ballfield within a certain timeframe.

If no one gets it quickly, I'll give hints -- but I don't think I'll have to. BTW, the Play Index might be of some help.

Carlos Carrasco

Josh Johnson

Hiroki Kuroda

Tim Lincecum

Kyle Lohse

Daisuke Matsuzaka

Michael Pineda

Anibal Sanchez

Tim Stauffer

Jason Vargas

20 Responses to “Trivia Challenge: What links these 10 pitchers?”

  1. Joe McBride Says:

    I never saw the answer to the previous similar question? Thanks for all the good post.

  2. Abe vanderBent Says:

    All 10 guys have consecutive outings of 7+ IP and 0 runs allowed

  3. Tony Pavon Says:

    They all lost at least 5 games in a row at some point during their career?

  4. Abe vanderBent Says:

    To clarify, all 10 guys have done that this season

  5. Jim P. Says:


    Carasco hasn't even lost 5 games in a season, I don't know if hes lost 5 games in a row

  6. John Autin Says:

    @2, Congratulations, Abe VanderBent!

    As Abe noted, these are the 10 pitchers who have made consecutive starts of 7+ IP and 0 runs so far in 2011.

    (And since you've all finished the test so quickly, you may put your heads down on your desks until class is over.)

  7. Tony Pavon Says:

    Just making a guess.... I looked at some of the players and noticed that trend....

  8. mosc Says:

    I was first thinking that had something to do with debut pitching years in each of the past 10 years but only one of those guys pitched before 2005 (Kyle Lohse). If it's not one of those "10 players, one from each of the past 10 years" type deals, I don't know why it would only have such an assortment of players. They're all active I suppose, but that doesn't filter down to these guys much.

  9. Abe vanderBent Says:

    @6 Thanks!

    If you change the criteria to 0 ER allowed, Zach Britton gets added to the list:

  10. John Autin Says:

    Abe, out of curiosity, how did you approach the question?

    I had hoped that it would be at least a little bit challenging, since only one of the 10 pitchers had an actual CG shutout.

    Did the fact that Carrasco and Stauffer pitched in the last 2 days give you a lead?

  11. John Autin Says:

    @1, Joe McBride re: the previous trivia question --
    Here's a link to that post. The answer is found @30-@32.

  12. Abe vanderBent Says:

    I actually started with Pineda's numbers, since he's the only rookie on the list. My first idea was missing Kuroda, so I focused on the common points between those 2 guys, and the consecutive games fact happened to be the first one I checked.

  13. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    All ten have never been over my house for dinner.

  14. Carl Says:

    That Dice-K is on this list just shows how frustrating he can be for the Sox. Oh well, he's probably pitched his last game for them.

  15. Voomo Zanzibar Says:

    How about this for modern-day pitchers:
    This is the first year since 1878, yes, 1878, that there are no active 200-game winners.

  16. Mr. Dave Says:

    Wakefield *could* get to 200 this year. He's sitting on 196.

  17. Johnny Twisto Says:

    In 1968 there were no active 200-game winners until June 26 (Drysdale).

  18. BSK Says:

    Is Moyer not considered active?

  19. BSK Says:

    To elaborate/clarify, when I initially posted that, I didn't realize that Moyer was not under contract for a team; I assumed he was. So, yea, it'd be hard to consider him "active". However, while I do realize that Moyer is not actively playing baseball due to injury, it is my understanding that he intends to come back. If indeed he does, will we look at his career and say he was active from 1986-2010 and then again from 2012-whenever? Or would we simply say he was active from 1986-2025 or whatever year he finally retires?

  20. Voomo Zanzibar Says:

    We'll say he is a total badasz who came back from TJ @50.